Crane Rollover Recovery on I-84

6 Hour Crane Rollover Recovery for 26 Ton Crane Truck and 40 Foot Pup Trailer Gerlock Towing sprang into action to tackle a challenging crane rollover recovery on I-84 Mile Marker 36. The incident involved a 26-ton crane truck and a 40-foot pup trailer that veered out of control due to a blown steer tire. […]
Oregon Tractor Trailer Rollover Recovery on Hwy 97

Two Local Towing Companies Come Together for Oregon Tractor Trailer Rollover Recovery In a recent incident in Grass Valley, OR, Gerlock Towing helped out their fellow towing pros, Bishops Towing for a tractor trailer rollover recovery. The Gerlock team sprung to action after they received a call from a customer on Hwy 97. The recovery […]
Portland Heavy Tow Truck Responds to Truck & Train Collision

Portland Heavy Tow Truck Responds to Tractor Trailer & Train Collision Semi Trailer Wrapped Around PyLon After Being Hit by Train, Heavy Tow Truck Used for Recovery Seeing a tractor trailer wrapped around a pylon and a heavy tow truck nearby can be a concerning sight to see while driving on the road. The Gerlock […]
Tractor Trailer Towing for Stuck Truck in Sisters, OR

Tractor Trailer Tow Truck Makes Recovery in Sisters, Oregon Nothing beckons quite as strongly as sleep when you need to rest. However, this can quickly become an issue when your mind is not as alert as it normally would be. Gerlock Towing recently assisted with tractor trailer towing for a semi driver whose need to […]
Semi Truck Towing Needed on I-84 in Multnomah County, OR

Blown Tire Requires Response From Semi Truck Towing Company Gerlock Towing often receives calls for semi truck towing and recovery services. However, a recent job proved to be larger than usual when a large flatbed truck lost a tire and crashed through to the incoming traffic lanes. Fortunately, we are always on call for these […]